Wake me up inside

Someone recently asked a dear friend what to do when they have slipped up and have a mountain of mistakes staring at them. They feel lost and far from God, in fact, their heart feels dead. I didn’t want to answer the question myself and so I went to scholars in my work place, and some of my own teachers. I asked men and women of the spiritual path and tradition and I’ll share with you some of their answers.

First thing first, one should turn to God. This is the foundation of everything. Repenting to God entails that you realize that you have strayed from Him and that you have messed up. But it also is the first step to renewing your relationship with the Divine. Similar to a relationship with a lover, being honest and forthright always gets you ahead. While denying your wrongdoing when the person already knows your faults is a reason for the relationship to end. Say your sorry to God and watch as He opens His doors of forgiveness to you. You should know something. . . . NOTHING you do is greater than His love, forgiveness and care for you. . . NOTHING.

Second is sticking to the rituals. You know those rituals such as Prayer, Fasting, Hajj and the like? They all have metaphysical realities, realities that aim to bring you to a higher state of being. They call you to a rank higher than the angels themselves. These rituals are there to awaken your heart. For that to happen you need to submit yourself and allow the master of hearts to work on you. Sure, you might not be feeling anything when you go through the steps of prayer and fasting, but like the gym, it’s when you look back years later that you finally see that you were growing everyday.

Lastly, you need good companionship. You need Suhba. You need people who when you sit with them you are reminded of the love of the Divine. Good companionship is one of the most important pieces to having a good relationship with God. What you need to understand is that if you sit amongst trash you will begin to smell like it. However, when you sit around beauty, when your circle is sprinkled with jasmine, and surrounded by angels, your heart will come alive again. Your heart will beat with a new fervor for the One it has awoken to.

May the creator of hearts awaken yours. I love you, I am your servant, and may we all be in service to each other.



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