Dear God: An Uber Drive I’ll never forget

Dear God,⁣

I don’t believe in coincidence and I don’t believe in luck because you are in control of every moment and every breath. ⁣

I had ordered a car to visit my teachers and when the name showed up on my Uber app I was a bit thrown off. As I looked at the picture I realized this guy wasn’t an Egyptian but of some asian background. I was tempted to cancel the car because I didn’t want the hassle of driving with someone who didn’t know the streets well but decided to give the driver a chance, and I’m glad I did.⁣

When the driver pulled up and I opened the door the sound of the Quran filled my ears and I was instantly at peace with this brother who I had never met before. The hour and a half ride went by too quickly as we discussed everything from how we both converted to Islam, to the difficult and unjust oppression of Chinese Muslims currently going on right now in his country. ⁣

He was a beacon of fresh air in this country and had a sense of humor that only a person under so much immense pressure could display. I love him and I pray that you bless him and his family as he continues his studies here at Al-Azhar.⁣

The craziest part of the drive was that here I am this Jamaican-American convert and he, a Chinese convert, are both here in Cairo, Egypt. Neither of us were speaking English or Mandarin but instead the language you chose to reveal your words in to your beloved Prophet. And here we are both brothers in faith.⁣

Only you and your wisdom could put together such a beautiful moment. A moment that filled my heart with joy and happiness.⁣

We both left it all to come here, and I pray that our deeds are accepted by you. I pray that you help us to be sincere in our seeking of knowledge and that you protect us always.⁣

And more than anything, I pray that you grant me the opportunity to share his company again in this life, and if not here, then that we both be blessed with your company in your Paradise.⁣

Thank you for the memories.⁣

Rajab 4th, 1440⁣
March 11th, 2019⁣

Your servant,⁣
Arthur K. Richards


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